Category Archives: Mental Fitness

Know when to Stop and Take Stock

How often do you stop and take stock with how you, the team and business are tracking? In the last 18 months with so much going on, it’s been pretty easy to get VERY caught up in the day to day. Dealing with the urgent priorities. We get very used to that pattern of behaviour…

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Avoidance is doing Immense Damage

So the irony of this blog, is it sat in my DRAFT box for over a week. I started writing it several times over, the page has been sitting blank with thoughts swirling around, then I parked it and left it because… well I didn’t really know what to say exactly, precisely… wasn’t sure it…

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Top 4 Lessons from Life in Lockdown

No one is super human. We’re all human. In our house a few weeks ago blood was drawn. Just a quick momentary brain snap between both kids which resulted in an inch long fingernail scratch across a child’s face. It was so quick and happened in an instant. As I sat very calmly talking through…

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Pressure is a Privilege

Wholeheartedly agree and in normal world supporting leaders do and be at their best, pressure is absolutely a privilege and the price one pays for holding the senior roles. Likewise in life being the ‘parents/carers’ raising children. Athletes surround themselves with a team to help support them on the journey. Life right now is throwing…

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Being Ok to Ask for Help

Being Ok to Ask for Help

One very common trait of high-performing leaders, I’ve noticed and actually done myself in the past, is not asked for help, when it was really needed. Not reached out when it was vital to do so. It’s a hard learnt lesson, that didn’t serve me and something I practice what I preach now. Commonly it’s…

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WELL-BEING must come first

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, way more tense than normal… is EVERYTHING taking its toll? Is your resilience low, vitality vanished and are you feeling flatter than ever before? If not… that’s fantastic, and if yes, perhaps this is you or someone you know, friend, family member, colleague or a team member, then please read…

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Drama in the Workplace

Have you ever thought some of the drama being played out at work could be worthy of an Oscar award? It’s so intense, long running and well-acted. That is, well, if you’re able to observe it and actually not get entangled up in the drama itself. Not all of us find it that easy to…

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Overriding Negative Thoughts

Leadership is busy enough as it is without wasting valuable time either physical hours or brain space on replaying or rehashing conversations, giving ourselves a tough time or wishing/hoping that others would actually be able to mind-read and do what we want without us actually saying it! Or saying it and it goes pear-shaped, ending…

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Facing Difficult Conversations

Here’s a few ideas on how to stop avoiding the difficult Conversations and be courageous for constructive conversations instead! Are you needing to have a conversation with someone? It could be a business discussion or something personal. It’s on your mind. It’s been niggling, bugging you and you’ve been putting it off? Firstly – ask…

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Overcoming Presenting Nerves

“Staring out across the audience, I could feel the nerves wanting to take over, the feeling of dread coming back into the pit of my stomach… NO, I said to myself, you’ve got this. I focused on the far wall of the room, just slightly above everyone’s head and breathed, in and out, in and…

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Leaders have a People Responsibility

With the role of leader of any kind, whether titled Team Leader, Supervisor, Manager, CEO or Director etc, there comes a very important responsibility. A responsibility to remember people are people. They are not robots. Across a multitude of industries there has been an intensity to the pressure and stress in the last 12 months…

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3 Reasons for Business Leadership Struggles

There are 3 reasons many leaders struggle with engagement, accountability and driving results in business – and 3 steps to getting leadership fit in the next 8 weeks to take the team on the journey. The challenges aren’t going away, the pace is probably unlikely to slow down either and we can only dream of…

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Honing Your Coaching Skillset

Getting ready today to deliver a favourite Leadership Capability Development topic:Coaching & Mentoring. We’re going to be exploring the actual skillset of how to coach and/ or mentor. How to know what’s needed when and where, the questions to ask, how to dig deeper, or get someone ‘out of the weeds’. There is a lot…

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Calm for Christmas

The sound of laughter, the smells of Christmas, red and green everywhere, a present is passed to you with the words ‘Merry Christmas’ and despite the beauty, joy and family in front of you, surrounding you, it’s hard to be present and focused. With so much on your mind, the presence of family or friends…

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Flick the Switch or Blow the Fuse

What if you could flick the circuit breaker first before the fuse blows? When it comes to the human mind there is so much you can do to circuit break the traditional responses and reactions when it comes to being in overdrive, handling stress, overwhelm, frustration, disappointment or low self-esteem. The thing is only 20%…

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Keeping the Battery Charged Up

What’s worked well already for you today? What can you improve on? A leader recently, rushed, stressed and so busy, came onto our Coaching Call pretty amped up. Made them stop, breathe… feel their feet and do a HD video of the surroundings. Could tell by the body language (over zoom), they thought I was…

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Developing Mental Fitness

Are you over or under-compensating with physical fitness? Ever considered working on your mental fitness? Will never forget sitting at the doctor’s after the antenatal depression diagnosis, as she said “Well you’ve probably been depressed for most of your 20’s and 30’s, you just did a lot of exercise to compensate.” No kid, a lot…

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Are you leading the way?

Are you the light in the darkness? A beacon of safety and support? Are you leading the way? Great leaders know how to park their own ego, get out of their own way to help others learn, grow and develop. So that a team and business can thrive and do well even in very troubled…

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