Tag Archives: the art of extraordinary

How to Get Your Team to Change Gears?
Am typing this whilst sitting in the car between races at the kid’s sports carnival. It’s quite fascinating to watch. There are some kids that run fast, very fast and then there is those ‘middle of the pack kids’, running hard and then we have a few that are at the back of the pack…plodding…

The 5 Attributes of a Talented Team Member
Recently invited to speak at an industry educators forum, where we were talking with a mixture of educators of a specific industry and leaders. I wanted to share my presentation in the written form / short version to get your opinion and ask you…. what are the attributes you think are key for a…

What to Do when your Confidence seems to have Got Up and Gone!
Do you ever have those days when you simply want to roll back over and not get out of bed? When it all feels too much or all too hard. Intellectually, you know it’s not. Physically it’s still possible. But emotionally, the tank is empty and you feel like your confidence has got up and…

Why It’s Crucial to Surround Yourself with Quality People
Business leadership can be a lonely place. It’s often something that is not even spoken about or acknowledged. Many would not even like to admit to loneliness. Maybe suffering in silence is easier. There could be 100 reasons not to share. Too busy to stop and talk. Who wants to listen? They’ve got their own…

4 Steps for Being your Best Self in Business
Bula! Do you love holidays as much as I do? Sand between the toes, skiing down mountains, getting that special massage, eating out and watching amazing sunsets….! As a parent and owner of my own business, rather than view them as holidays, they’re more like a change of scenery. I realised that very early on…

What to Do When You’ve Decided Enough is Enough!
In the last 10 days several incredible women I know, have stood up for themselves and said it’s time. Time to make a move. Leaving leadership roles they have been in and loved. Yet because of up-line difficulties and challenges, have decided it’s time to move on. People challenges are normal (we’re all human after…

Is Your Thinking Helping, Hindering or Harming the Team?
Have you ever heard the expression or been told ‘Stop being so black and white’ It has nothing to do with the colour of skin and everything to do with a person’s level of thinking. Someone who is black and white can usually only see things from one perspective. In some job roles and areas…
Different Ways to Play the Game of Business a Little Better
What happens when you have one of those days? You know those days when it all seems too much. You can’t see the forest nor the trees. It feels all too hard. The to-do list is massive. And you barely feel like you’re making a dent in it at all. You’re human and you…

Ever Find Yourself Caught Up in the To-Do List Forgetting the Most Important Thing?
Let’s take a moment to focus on who we are, not what we do. A while back I had the weirdest experience. Had a marvellous few days away from the office. It was great, out meeting new people, helping them work on building better teams and growing their businesses. It was an intense and explorative…

Why Kicking Goals as a Team takes Practice
Soccer season is over. It was 20 years since I’d played competitively. We made it all the way to the grand final. Quite an achievement for us all. Some games during the season we played like women possessed, passing, lots of great fancy moves and phenomenal teamwork – goals scored – games won. Then during…

3 Quick Steps to Clearing the Chaos and Creating Clarity
Too much on your mind? Being pulled from pillar to post? It can look and feel a bit like chaos. When you’re leading a team, growing a business, looking after customers and clients, it can be very busy being all things to everyone. Except for the one person that matters the most. Because you’re…

The Truth about Magic Pills and Overnight Success
‘No Pain No Gain’… It’s an old adage, that has been around forever, used often by PT’s as they flog you hard or those of us sports fanatics who feel like unless there is some kind of ‘pain’ involved we haven’t done a workout. For me, business does equate to pain. There is no such…

What To Do When Your Motivation Takes a Dive!
A common question cropping up lately is “How do I stay freakin’ motivated? You know that feeling when it’s all too much. Maybe it’s a ‘not want to get out of bed thing’, or an ‘I can’t be bothered thing’ or the ‘everywhere I look are jobs to do, it’s never-ending’. Those 1000 things on…

Is it Time to Get Creative with the Way You’re Communicating?
It never ceases to amaze me how unique yet similar humans. Not to mention how we can tend to bunch everyone together as if they’re the same, yet then be so surprised when there are raging obvious differences. Every Monday I volunteer at Art Class, helping out our amazing Artist in Residence, who is sharing…

Is it Time to Refresh or Reset Your Boundaries?
Imagine if you built a new house. You created this gorgeous home, yours. Tell me… Would you build a fence? Would you create a garden path? Would you make sure the house had a front door on it? Or would you leave your house open… for anyone to walk in, YELL and SCREAM, make a…

Sea of Overwhelm
Firstly overwhelm is normal, you’re human and pretty much everyone experiences it in some way, shape or form. The thing is everyone has different skills, capabilities, perceptions and language they use for describing their ‘experience’ of it. Regardless of the perception, it’s the impact that is the problem, because it’s can be debilitating, slowing down…

Overcoming Presenting Nerves and Doubt
Did you know a crazy large percentage of people would love to be in their own coffin rather than giving a eulogy at a funeral? Morbid I know, but so many people HATE public speaking with a passion. Are you one of those, or are you kind of like neither here nor there, have you…

How to Make the Systems the Solution to Success
Often get lots of varying answers to one of the first questions I ask people when we start conversing and talking about business leadership and growth. The question is “What is your biggest leadership challenge right now?” It’s always interesting what comes up for people and what they’ll share, ignore or admit too. Honesty is…

The 5 Common Culture Killers that cause Business Breakdowns
She only has a small team. It’s all about quality not quantity. And it wasn’t until someone new recently joined the team, someone with a very different attitude to everyone else, that she realised with surprise, quite how important company culture is. “Is it too late?” She wondered. “Had she hired the wrong person?” She…

Why Blend In when you were Born to Stand Out!
Why Blend In, when you were Born to Stand Out? All through the teenage years, having spent hours sitting, practising and contemplating life in the music room of boarding school, the same question often came up, “Why do I seem so different from everyone else?” It was a feeling. Whether I was or wasn’t doesn’t…