Thanks so much for downloading The Team Performance Quiz. It will be in your inbox in 15 minutes.
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In the interim ... meet Genevieve;
And now ... please complete;
Leadership Questionaire
Are you currently Leading a Team?
What Industry are You in?
What is your Role?
Are you the business owner / executive leader or in middle management?
How many People are on Your Team?
How is the Team tracking currently? If 10/10 is amazingly and 1/10 is disastrously?
And where would you like to see the Team get to?
If there were 2-3 Improvements you know, You and the Team could make, what would they be?
How Committed are You to building a High-Performing Team?
Not very, we're currently going ok!
Somewhat curious yet uncertain
Curious and investigating opportunities
Very committed and ready for action
Do you have a monthly budget for investing in training and development for self/and or staff of;
$500 - $999 per person
$1000 - $1499 per person
$1500 - $2500 per person
What's your best Email Address please?
Finally, please provide your First Name
And Last Name. Thank you.