Often get lots of varying answers to one of the first questions I ask people when we start conversing and talking about business leadership and growth.
The question is “What is your biggest leadership challenge right now?”
It’s always interesting what comes up for people and what they’ll share, ignore or admit too.
Honesty is the best policy I reckon when it comes to learning and growing.
We can’t learn or grow, if we’re busy, beating around the bush and pretending it’s all roses when the thorns are causing hands to bleed or by hiding our heads in the sand.
One of the recent outstanding quandaries a lady posed recently was this:-
“My challenge is having the confidence to develop structures to enable success,” she said.
So I thought today, we’d explore this topic.
And actually, it has less to do with confidence that it does outcomes.
I believe that confidence comes from doing stuff, from taking action, from implementing.
A solid plan, perspective, trialling, testing and the continuous cycle of improvement mantra is gold.
Have you ever watched a child learn to walk… it has nothing to do with confidence.
It comes from curiosity.
They want to start exploring, looking around, their body has developed, got stronger and suddenly these little dumpy legs are strong, they can hold their body and suddenly, it’s like WOWEEE…. they’re off… taking steps.
There is never any discussion or thought of confidence.
It’s practice, practice at balancing, falling on the butt, getting back up and going again, and again and again.
You may be wondering and what does a toddler learning to walk have anything to do with systems for success.
It takes practice.
The systems are only as good as the people implementing them.
So why do you want to introduce a new system? What’s the point?
There is no point in implementing a system for the sake of simply having a system.
What is the end goal in mind?
What job do you want it to do and what will that mean for the individual, the team, the business, the customer, all stakeholders or the greater community even?
You have to take a good look at the end goal you’re shooting for.
Make it practical, ecologically sound (good for most, not just good for one), and ensure a sensible, structured role out that has had thought and perspective put into it. Not just thrown on the table, a couple of signatures and whamo, next day introduced.
So is it about confidence?
The confidence will come when work is done really getting clear on these key 3 steps:
1) The End Goal
2) Impact / Benefits / Disadvantages Analysis for All Stakeholders
3) Change Management Plan to Introduce and Implement
Then make sure you give the system/s the attention, investment and focus needed to be respectfully introduced and implemented across the team.
In the words of Benjamin Franklin “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Planning is key for introducing new systems and to make them a success. Regardless of the area of business whether HR, Marketing or Operations. Any new system needs to have the above 3 steps applied.
And then, if there is still some concern or hesitation, then perhaps do step No. 4
4) Use the Question Analysis with these Cartesian Questions
Ask these in this order… and ask what else the whole way through to make sure you consider all angles and options.
– What WILL happen if we DO implement the “X” system?
– What WON’T happen if we DO implement the “X” system?
– What WILL happen if we DON’T implement “X” system?
– What WON’T happen if we DON’T implement “X” system?
Now if you’re a wee bit confused, or tried to skip over a question without answering it, go back through them, slowly and carefully, because the answers/impact/benefits/grey areas will come to light and help you with your decision-making process.
All the best,
Genevieve “Goal-shooting” Matthews