Workshopping the 3P’s

How often do you get your tourism team together?

Are the meetings always operational or do you get a chance to be strategic?

Do you focus on your tourism product (or service), process, or spend time talking about your people?

I love using the 3P’s technique.

Product, Process and People

Often many businesses get caught up, or bogged down, in putting too much energy into 1 or 2 of the P’s and not enough into the 3rd. It’s not the same for each business. It actually depends entirely on the phase of growth the business is in currently and where they’re headed to.

It could be the issues and gaps are blind spots, as in the business leadership doesn’t realise that’s where the problems are.

Or perhaps they’re obvious issues, without a way to solve the problems yet.

It’s on the to-do list, however there is never enough time, money or resources.

Whether known or unknown, workshopping it is a great way to bring to light what’s working well and what needs tweaking, refining and improving.

Without the product, we’ll have no customers, without processes, our people can’t work productively and without the people, we can’t service our customers.

So it all ties in, and all needs some love.

It’s not about fixing it all yesterday either, it’s about awareness, communication and action to get the ball rolling, the ship sailing, and business growing.

Want a hand workshopping the 3P’s with your tourism team?




P.S Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you develop and work on your business leadership capabilities:

  1. Grab a free copy of Smash Indecision and Overwhelm, 4 Steps for Better Business Leadership E-book
    It’s the road map to overcoming doubt and indecision, how to deal with “overwhelm” to improve your business leadership capabilities. —Click Here
  1. Join the Tourism Business Leader’s Facebook group and connect with like-minded leaders focused on building highly effective teams
    It’s our Facebook community where smart leaders get to learn more about creativity, leadership and performance for tourism business success. —Click Here
  1. Join our Tourism Pro-Team Program
    Helping tourism business leaders develop their skills to improve engagement, accountability and performance of the team. If you’d like to work with me so you can stop being reactive, have the difficult conversations and drive performance to get the results you want and know the business need then…message PRO to me here and I’ll get you all the details.
  1. Let’s get the Whole Team Together
    Would you like a different perspective and someone else at the front of the room or on zoom/teams to lead regular and consistent team building, accountability, and engaging learning experiences, that drive results and outcomes for individuals, teams, and the business? If you feel a little challenged with everything going on, maybe sounding like a cracked recorded saying things repeatedly, or actually not 100% how to motivate and inspire the team, given the current nature of business, it may be useful for us to chat. Message TEAM to me here… and tell me a little about the business, your team, and what you’d like to work on together.

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