Play and discover how to:

  • Eliminate the fear around taking risks
  • Get absolutely clear on personal and professional outcomes to maximize efforts and resources
  • Know exactly the direction to head and the next steps to take
  • Be more intuitive and instinctive
  • Be better and faster at making quality decisions
  • Unearth untapped individual and group potential

Your investment includes:

  • A6 size pack of 33 mindset coaching cards
  • "How to Play" instruction sheet
  • Plus 7 bonus 'We' cards to use for team & group environments

The cards are a visual reminder whenever I hit a roadblock. The “Know What’s Important” card is extremely pertinent as I am focusing on planning my time more effectively - especially around what is important to achieve my goals rather than what is urgent or giving in to procrastination. The “Embrace Uncertainty” card is also a great prompt as I have a tendency to stay in my comfort zone and gather lots of information before taking action. The Art of Extraordinary™ is fantastic tool both for myself and to use with clients to get them to think beyond their current limits.

Alex Mason Jones, Executive Coach

The Art of Extraordinary™ Overview: