Tag Archives: collaboration

How to be Courageous for Certain Conversations that Need to Happen

Are you needing to have a conversation with someone? It could be a business discussion or something personal. It’s on your mind. It’s been niggling, bugging you and you’ve been putting it off? Firstly – ask yourself why have you been putting it off? Is it that you think it’s going to be awkward, painful,…

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The 5 Common Culture Killers that cause Business Breakdowns

She only has a small team. It’s all about quality not quantity. And it wasn’t until someone new recently joined the team, someone with a very different attitude to everyone else, that she realised with surprise, quite how important company culture is. “Is it too late?” She wondered. “Had she hired the wrong person?” She…

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The Power of Unplugging

A while back, chatting with a friend and shared I’d been offline for a few weeks. She said “What! How can you do that? How can you do that for your business? (insert her face looked really quite shocked…) Then came the “How’d you actually do it?” In a quiet voice, she then admitted “OMG,…

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Team Matters : Who’s In Your Bus?

This snapshot popped up on LinkedIn’s Daily Rundown recently: Australian hiring managers are struggling to find staff that fit in, with 78% admitting they’ve hired someone who isn’t good for team culture. The survey of 460 hiring managers showed the top issues with new staff were an inability to work collaboratively and lack of team…

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