Communication is Key for Great Leadership

If you want the answer, it is one word.


Across the last few months talking to hundreds of business leaders, whether in CEO, GM, department managers, supervisors or team leader roles, regardless of title; the resounding key requirement for every business has been communication.

Often leaders think they’re pretty good at it. Doing enough.

Communication is a journey. It’s not finite and there is no end point.

It’s not a single email,

or phone call

or PDF document explaining requirements.

Communication is the consistent messaging across that connects, engages, asserts, showcases, listens, adapts, adjusts, drives, motivates, unites and collaborates…. it’s incredible when done well.

And remarkably incredible how disastrous when done poorly.

Then there is the in between, the spasmodic, inconsistent and I’m totally guilty of that too.

Best of intentions, however somehow… other things get in the way.

Great communication is a always a work in progress.

The meaning of communication is the RESPONSE we get. So it’s actually it’s completely irrelevant how good we think we are at it. It’s all about the response we’re getting. The noise we hear back, whether a cheer, mumbles, rumbles or crickets. (that means nothing!)

How do you measure your communication?

Do you have an established communications plan?

Are you driving consistency or working towards better consistency with your communication?

Particularly when it comes to attracting and working with customers or clients, leading and developing team or for improving systems and processes within the business?

Are you’re wondering right now about the current common theme about reconnecting, reigniting and realigning your team and customers/clients, post everything now that’s gone on and will go on for the rest of 2020.

First and foremost, think about your consistent communication.

What are you doing hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly and yearly?

What standards for communication are established for the team and by the team, so that you achieve buy in, engagement and alignment.

What standards for communication are established for the customer and clients?

So that you are attracting, converting and delivering to a steady stream of new, or maintaining existing or re-engaging old customers and clients?

Or are you more for setting expectations and then maybe they’re not met.

So much to say on communication, this is a start.

A part of the journey.


P.S Comment below COMMUNICATION, if you’d like a copy of The Consistent Communication Scheduler Tool

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