Developing Mental Fitness

Are you over or under-compensating with physical fitness? Ever considered working on your mental fitness?

Will never forget sitting at the doctor’s after the antenatal depression diagnosis, as she said “Well you’ve probably been depressed for most of your 20’s and 30’s, you just did a lot of exercise to compensate.”

No kid, a lot of exercise.

I spend years running, cycling, swimming, being super sporty to feel good.  To get the feeling that those endorphins would give me. Month after month, year after year. Sport helped me feel good.

However it changed as I got older, had bigger work commitments, family to consider, less ‘available’ time to commit to all that exercise.

And here’s the thing, no one at the time actually ever told me that physical fitness is only part of the answer to maintaining mental health.

How much time in your week do you invest into working on your physical fitness?

1 hour a day, 30 mins a day, 5 x per week, 3 hours a week?

How much time do you invest into your mental fitness?

Neuroscience is showing us that we can actually increase the grey matter in the positive emotional area of the brain… this significantly impacts our productivity, performance, health and wellbeing and the quality of our relationships.

So again, how much time to you invest into your mental fitness?

Mental Fitness is the X-Factor.

If you’re not physically fit, you might feel physical stress if you were to climb a steep hill.

If you’re not mentally fit, you might feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.  

80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance, sustained productivity and happiness.       

The great news is with recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, you can now improve your mental fitness significantly within 6 weeks of practice.

Yes… 6 weeks.

The results? Dramatically improved performance, productivity and a calm, clear and happier mind.  

How do you measure Mental Fitness you might be wondering!

Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) is the measure of mental fitness which defines the strength of your positive mental muscles versus the negative ones. The negative emotions are driven by a small group of saboteurs (think hijackers) who take hold of you and your day, your responses to challenges, adversity, stress and before you know it…. The day has gone downhill and pear-shaped.

How quickly can you recover?

What if you could know when you were likely to be racing down hill, before it even happened. To catch those saboteurs and not get hijacked, to be ready for any challenge. Because the challenges keep coming. There is nothing easy or simple about leadership.

It would be good, wouldn’t it?

To be better at handling tricky people including yourself, difficult conversations, stressful situations, high workload, competing demands, intense situations, sleepless nights etc.

The list is long…

If you’d like to get yourself on the front foot, be less reactive, then it might be time to consider working on your mental fitness.

Positive Intelligence is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.

Research has included:

  • hundreds of CEOs
  • sales, operations, and technology teams
  • Stanford students
  • elite athletes
  • 500,000 participants from 50 countries

To find out more about the 3 core muscles of mental fitness and how to handle your stress, deal with adversity and lead with focus and purpose, book in a quick chat here to find out more about our next upcoming Mental Fitness short course – PQ for Leaders.

Look forward to chatting soon,


P.S Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you develop and work on your business leadership capabilities:

1. Download a free copy of The Leadership Maximiser Tool, a detailed Productivity and Performance Experience

Lead with clarity and confidence. Minimise overwhelm and indecision. Be organised and focused to lead a flourishing team and grow a thriving business. Accelerate results for you, the team and business with this step-by-step tool. Click here

2. Join the Empowering Leaders Group on Facebook and connect with likeminded leaders from around the globe.

It’s our Facebook community where committed leaders are learning more about creativity, leadership and high-performance. Click here

3. Let’s get the team together

If you feel like a cracked recorded saying things over and over again, and would like a different perspective and someone else at the front of the room or on zoom/teams to lead regular and consistent team building, accountability and engaging learning experiences, that drive results and outcomes for individuals, teams and the business, then … comment below or send me a message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

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