Several months ago, set a huge project.
Relaunching (TAoE) and all it has become over the last 12 – 18 months.
Quite a challenge.
YET, took the advice I give my clients.
Create your vision.
Lead with purpose.
Perform at your peak.
It meant really designing out the future, I want for TAoE for myself, my team, my existing clients and potential clients, those who will join us for the journey in the coming months and years to come.
It was about being very specific and targeted about the purpose of TAoE and the community we have created to date and how it will evolve and grow moving forward.
It allowed me to really understand my strengths, my weaknesses and the gaps that are now filled with outstanding people to help us deliver and be on purpose day in day out.
Here is snapshot of some of the learnings in the last few months, in case you may be growing a business, dealing with team and wanting to be a little bit better at business leadership.
In no particular order….
– Having a clear WHY got me over the bad days when the overwhelm and hugeness of the undertaking almost got the better of me
– Surround yourself with people who say WE CAN and not WE CAN’T
– Suck it up Sweets – those puddle on the floor moments are totally ok. Give it 2 minutes or 2 hours. Not 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months. You simply won’t get sh*t done!!
– Learn to take feedback. We all communicate differently. Your style, my style, their style – we’re all unique. Never take it to heart, learn and grow, then learn and grow some more
– Have a bloody awesome mentor to model and learn from. Best investment have ever made.
– Just do what they say to do instead of creating excuses and blame.
– Get really specific about WHAT you want to achieve, see it, feel it, hear it, write it down and also what you don’t want, if that sets you more on fire. I’m motivated by thinking about what I want, not what I don’t want, however again – some of us are wired differently. Know what lights your fire!
– Have 1 person in mind to teach, train, nurture, treat, care for, help – each and every time you make a call, write an email, present, design, talk, facilitate etc…. It’s much easier to focus on solving the problems and helping that one person rather than everyone!
– Celebrate the wins with your nearest & dearest. Every miniscule success counts, be proud of those milestones, whether it’s about HTML code, a brilliant new team member, $ in the bank, happy new clients. Be proud and loud.
– Remember Love and Trust triumphs over fear and doubt every time and practicing gratitude is the ideal way to start and finish every day. Thank you to Kim, Max, Irena, Steve, Henry, Lucy, Kate, Donna and Emily for outstanding teamwork at work and at home.
Oh and there is probably lots more, but right now, it’s time to wrap, GO LIVE with my new site and get my butt to cricket practice with the kids.
Have an awesome weekend!