On boarding New Team Members

Meet our newest team member. Yes cute, fluffy and a furball called Milo.

Here’s a few reminders that really hit home, no matter what type of team member you’re welcoming on board.

  1. Are all the existing team members clear and in agreement on roles and responsibilities for onboarding and ongoing integration, training, management etc?
  2. Are you as leader/manager clear and articulate about expectations, standards and boundaries, what’s ok or not ok? How do you ensure the new team member is on the same page?
  3. What do you have in place to welcome and integrate them into the team? Trainings, meetings, tools, systems, equipment, routines etc?

I loved puppy school. Not only because it was amazing for us learning about Milo and the needs of a dog, it WAS an absolute reminder for humans that we take so much for granted. We think we can ‘telepathically’ communicate and/or mind read and others should just ‘know’ what we want. We bunch everyone into being the same and forget the nuances of different personality types, that people aren’t their behaviours and so much more.

Have you welcomed anyone new to the team lately?

What have else have you noticed is really important to pay attention to?



1. Download a free copy of The Leadership Maximiser Tool, a detailed Productivity and Performance Experience

Lead with clarity and confidence. Minimise overwhelm and indecision. Be organised and focused to lead a flourishing team and grow a thriving business. Accelerate results for you, the team and business with this step-by-step tool. — Click here

2. Join the Empowering Leaders in Business Facebook group and connect with like-minded leaders focused on high-performance team success

It’s our Facebook community where smart leaders get to learn more about creativity, leadership and performance. — Click here

3. Join our next Mental Fitness for Leaders Program

Helping leaders develop their skills for well-being, relationship and conflict management, productivity and peak performance in the workplace. If you’d like to work with me on your business leadership skills to ensure high engagement, accountability and results for and across the team…message PQ to me here and I’ll get you all the details.

4. Let’s get the whole team together

Would you like a different perspective and someone else at the front of the room or on zoom/teams to lead regular and consistent team building, accountability and engaging learning experiences, that drive results and outcomes for individuals, teams and the business? If you feel a little challenged with everything going on, maybe sounding like a cracked recorded saying things over and over again, or actually not 100% how to motivate and inspire the team, given the current nature of business, it’s may be useful for us to chat. Message TEAM to me here… and tell me a little about the business, your team and what you’d like to work on together.

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