Tag Archives: mental health

Know Your Numbers: Empowering Tourism and Hospitality Leaders for Informed Decision-Making and Action-Taking

  Lisa and I have been talking numbers. It’s not her strength, she loves the people more and she knows she’s got to focus on learning to love the numbers, number-crunching and hitting targets, and driving high performance. In 2024 the team has some big targets to hit. “But, how do we make the non-tangible…

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How Sabotage Kills Teamwork

“Our resilience is untested until we suffer setbacks” Liz Sheppard, clinical psychologist and peak performance coach to Olympians and Athletes. Not sure about you, however I’ve always found leadership feels like 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards most days. Everyone wants a piece of you, there are 1000 things on the to-do list, firefighting…

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Do you have a love/hate relationship with time?

Time is a precious commodity, one which we too easily give away and can never get back. What’s your thing with time? Is it the wasted time in meetings (online or in person), going around in circles because people aren’t prepared, aren’t contributing, or are reluctant or avoiding decision-making? Or is it more the confusion,…

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Leadership is Lonely

Whether you’re at the top or in a senior leadership role reporting to the CEO, a board, or the business owner, it can be very lonely. Because there is a tonne to do, it never ends. We have to keep it all together, we have to hold it in and we feel like we’ve got…

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Clutter Clearer rather than Chaos Creator

Too much on your mind? Being pulled from pillar to post? Feel like you end up distracted, and never able to finish anything? It can look and feel a bit like chaos. When you’re leading a team, growing a business, looking after customers and clients, it can be very busy being all things to everyone…

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A Quick Tip on Prioritising Health

Last week at a Goal-Setting Workshop for clients, I was blown away by the number of people in the session who wanted to work on their personal goals over and above their professional (work or business) goals. It showcased a real need for people to create and have time to sit down and think about…

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Weekend Habits that Set You Up for a Great Week

Weekend Habits that Set You Up for a Great Week Do you ever get to the end of the weekend and feel exhausted, disorganised, and in a complete state, wishing instead that you could start the week organised and calm, instead of playing catch-up? There are a few key strategies that successful leaders use to…

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For Tourism Business Leaders feeling Overstretched and Under-resourced

Having faced unprecedented challenges in recent times, the tourism industry is not out of the woods yet. Staff shortages and under-trained staff issues continue to impact tourism operations and have a significant impact on the customer experience. Now labelled across the country as the #1 critical issue to be solved, tourism business owners and leaders…

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Overcome High Anxiety and Stress

The long-term effects of ongoing stress and high anxiety are enormous. When we stay in a state of heightened fear, anxiety, and stress, it reduces our capacity to think quickly, and effectively, and more importantly, work through decisions, problem-solving, and conflict. Most people have no awareness of their ‘reduced’ state – it’s become so “normal”.…

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6 Strategies to Shift Your Mindset from Time-Poor to Focus-Rich

A key theme in a recent group coaching call was being Time Poor. We know there are never enough hours in the day to get it all done. However, I invited participants to change their mindset, thinking, and routines because otherwise if we keep saying “we’re time-poor”, guess what? We’ll remain time-poor. Please think about…

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Taking Power Breaks

Lots of people are anxious, stressed, stressed out, and some at complete burnout phase; running on empty with the extremely intense experiences we’ve been living through personally and professionally these last few years; especially in tourism. We often think we need a break, time out, and we might try to grab a few minutes during…

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3 Steps to Turn Chaos into Clarity

Too much on your mind? Being pulled from pillar to post? It can look and feel like chaos. When you’re leading a team, growing tourism business, and looking after customers and clients, it can be very busy being all things to all people. Except for the one person that matters the most. YOU. Maybe you’re…

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Managing Your Mindset

We’re approaching the Australian Open again, and I’m reminiscing about the extraordinary viewing of those two weeks in 2022!! Leadership Lessons from Barty and Nadal. Whether you’re into tennis or not, there is so much to learn from watching these professional athletes in action. Their ability to overcome challenges, dig deep, fight back, stay calm,…

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Beating the Back to Work Blues

Happy New Year! I know you work in tourism, but you might be lucky enough to have had some time off over this silly season. Coming back to work after any holiday is always tough. I love my work, my clients, and my team yet honestly, I still get those holiday blues. I thought these…

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Keeping your Zen On!

At the moment, being in tourism is pretty stressful! When we all have our own family and personal commitments this time of year brings, your tourism business is likely a big part of bringing lots of people together, connecting, and celebrating too. Like many tourism businesses now, you might also be understaffed. Then there’ll be…

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Adjusting Perspective

How well are you able to adjust your perspective? Are you able to put yourself into the other person’s shoes and see things through their eyes? Do you shift your viewpoint depending on what others say or can you flex your perspective on any given day? Or do you sit firmly entrenched with your own…

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Creative Juices flowing Again

Hi there, I’m back! Did you miss my blogs? A lovely client of mine called me out the other day and said “I haven’t seen any of your blogs pop up on my feed lately”. Whilst I could have used the FB algorithms as an excuse, I didn’t. I fessed up and said. ‘Mmm, I…

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Positively Patient

Like many after 2 years of avoiding it, Covid entered the house in March. We all got it. Hit heavy and hard. So many lessons from the journey around patience and perseverance. Also a timely reminder about one’s own mortality and putting the oxygen mask on self first. Whilst many have experienced mild even no…

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Keeping your Zen On!

At the moment, it’s all pretty stressful! Whether you’re in iso, back to work ‘as if it’s business as normal’, maybe you’re remote and back on teams/zoom or perhaps you’ve been doing the January juggle with kids and work – it’s full on. No matter what the ‘current scenario’ looks like for you; your self-care…

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Beating the Back to Work Blues

Coming back to work after any holiday is always tough. I love my work, my clients and team yet honestly, I still get those holiday blues. So thought these tips might be helpful to get you back in the zone, focused and ready for work. First things first am a big fan of the brain…

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