Tag Archives: Capability Development

Do you have a PQ Powered Culture?

Did you know only 20% of teams ever achieve 80% of their potential? Is your team one of the 20% of High Performers or one of the 80% that achieve less? A bit less or perhaps a lot less. Many business leaders share their numbers with us. How well the business is doing (or not).…

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Dealing with the Overload

Whether it’s in person or still remote, many people are saying ‘Enough is Enough’. The pace is frenetic, the intensity enormous and the demands too much. Nervous systems are overloaded, it’s creating debilitating anxiety and extreme fatigue. The impact of stress on our body and brain is enormous and affects the way we sleep, eat,…

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Aligning Individual Capability to Business Needs

What a business needs at any given point in time can vary, however did you know there are specific phases of growth a business will go through? And do you know it is possible to get specific data on the Individual capability and know how individuals, a team or department and/or whole business team will…

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Know when to Stop and Take Stock

How often do you stop and take stock with how you, the team and business are tracking? In the last 18 months with so much going on, it’s been pretty easy to get VERY caught up in the day to day. Dealing with the urgent priorities. We get very used to that pattern of behaviour…

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How to shift Micro Habits

Do you know some of the micro habits that are helpful or harmful in your world? Whether it’s around health, finance, relationships, leadership… etc. Our micro habits can make or break the way in which we are able to thrive. They can impact our self-care, connection, our ability to be assertive, plan and organise, creative…

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PH Less is more

Talking Too Much. Less is REALLY More.

Ever heard of this expression? It’s used in so many ways. Let’s talk about it in terms of leadership and communication. Is it waffling on, or do we like hearing our own voice, do we struggle to get to the point, do we even know what the point is, are we feeling awkward and gap…

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Individual Development Plans

Individual Development Plans

Do you have one? Do you know what your strength areas are? Do you know what you’re working on improving for 21/22? At this time of year many businesses have completed or are working through their performance review processes, getting and giving feedback. It’s an interesting time of year and it’s when many businesses either…

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Being Ok to Ask for Help

Being Ok to Ask for Help

One very common trait of high-performing leaders, I’ve noticed and actually done myself in the past, is not asked for help, when it was really needed. Not reached out when it was vital to do so. It’s a hard learnt lesson, that didn’t serve me and something I practice what I preach now. Commonly it’s…

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Teams suffering due the Prickly Pear Syndrome

Ouch. It can really diminish the productivity, performance and culture of a team. Have you ever experienced the Prickly Pear Syndrome? Do you have someone on the team you feel like you have to tip toe around and moderate everything you say with, because otherwise most days it ends in tears? Perhaps not literal tears…

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Running on the Smell of an Oily Rag

Every heard this expression ‘Running on the Smell of an Oily Rag’? It was a saying my old boss used to use when we talked about her doing 70 hour weeks. I’d often wonder “How is it that she is still standing? It can’t be that healthy?” Unfortunately it’s an easy trap to fall into.…

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Building up Your Coaching Skillset

Do you frequently find yourself climbing or falling into the problem box? Suddenly you’re the one in there solving everyone’s problems. Or do you love being the ‘go-to’, the guru answering all the questions? If you’re wanting to build team and grow capability within others, it’s really important to stay out of the problem box.…

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WELL-BEING must come first

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, way more tense than normal… is EVERYTHING taking its toll? Is your resilience low, vitality vanished and are you feeling flatter than ever before? If not… that’s fantastic, and if yes, perhaps this is you or someone you know, friend, family member, colleague or a team member, then please read…

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Stretching Limits Personally & Professionally

When it comes to pushing oneself, I’d always had a limiting belief “I can’t do water colour painting”. You might think… well why does that matter?! Professionally probably not that much, I’m not a Picasso or even an aspiring Archibald artist, I simply adore art for my own passion. Something important to note, it wasn’t…

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Presupposing a Team’s Potential

Presupposing a Team’s Potential

One family holiday we decided to brave it and all go snorkelling. It seemed like a fairly mammoth effort getting everyone kitted out in wet suits, snorkels and fins. In the back of my mind, kept thinking, this would just be easier to stay on the boat, enjoy the views and the sounds of the…

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Drama in the Workplace

Have you ever thought some of the drama being played out at work could be worthy of an Oscar award? It’s so intense, long running and well-acted. That is, well, if you’re able to observe it and actually not get entangled up in the drama itself. Not all of us find it that easy to…

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Clarity instead of Chaos

Too much on your mind? Being pulled from pillar to post? It can look and feel a bit like chaos. When you’re leading a team, growing a business, looking after customers and clients, it can be very busy being all things to everyone. Except for the one person that matters the most. You. Because you’re…

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Measuring Growth & Improvement

At a recent school dinner the principal spoke about the numbers. Specifically the number of books the kids used to borrow from the library. They then did a rebuild, a re-arrangement, they relocated the books and created a whole new plan – all focused on getting the number of books borrowed to increase. It did…

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Panic or Problem Solve

Yesterday whilst we having a leisurely cuppa with dear old friends we hadn’t seen in a while, there was a knock at the door. Then this voice “Not sure I can come in he said”, sensing immediately something was wrong, I bounded out of my chair, was out the door and into action. There was…

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Facing Difficult Conversations

Here’s a few ideas on how to stop avoiding the difficult Conversations and be courageous for constructive conversations instead! Are you needing to have a conversation with someone? It could be a business discussion or something personal. It’s on your mind. It’s been niggling, bugging you and you’ve been putting it off? Firstly – ask…

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Overcoming Presenting Nerves

“Staring out across the audience, I could feel the nerves wanting to take over, the feeling of dread coming back into the pit of my stomach… NO, I said to myself, you’ve got this. I focused on the far wall of the room, just slightly above everyone’s head and breathed, in and out, in and…

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