Tag Archives: empowering women in leadership

Why It’s Crucial to Surround Yourself with Quality People

Business leadership can be a lonely place. It’s often something that is not even spoken about or acknowledged. Many would not even like to admit to loneliness. Maybe suffering in silence is easier. There could be 100 reasons not to share. Too busy to stop and talk. Who wants to listen? They’ve got their own…

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One of the Greatest Leadership Mistakes to Avoid: The Cookie-Cutter Approach

  Eleven people sat around the table. All part of a common cause, united as one team, a few similar in character, very different in looks, speaking multiple different languages and completely unique in personality. So running team meetings and wanting to best communicate with each of these individuals to hit their buttons was a…

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4 Steps for Being your Best Self in Business

Bula! Do you love holidays as much as I do? Sand between the toes, skiing down mountains, getting that special massage, eating out and watching amazing sunsets….! As a parent and owner of my own business, rather than view them as holidays, they’re more like a change of scenery. I realised that very early on…

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How to be Courageous for Certain Conversations that Need to Happen

Are you needing to have a conversation with someone? It could be a business discussion or something personal. It’s on your mind. It’s been niggling, bugging you and you’ve been putting it off? Firstly – ask yourself why have you been putting it off? Is it that you think it’s going to be awkward, painful,…

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Sea of Overwhelm

Firstly overwhelm is normal, you’re human and pretty much everyone experiences it in some way, shape or form. The thing is everyone has different skills, capabilities, perceptions and language they use for describing their ‘experience’ of it. Regardless of the perception, it’s the impact that is the problem, because it’s can be debilitating, slowing down…

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Overcoming Presenting Nerves and Doubt

Did you know a crazy large percentage of people would love to be in their own coffin rather than giving a eulogy at a funeral? Morbid I know, but so many people HATE public speaking with a passion. Are you one of those, or are you kind of like neither here nor there, have you…

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The 5 Common Culture Killers that cause Business Breakdowns

She only has a small team. It’s all about quality not quantity. And it wasn’t until someone new recently joined the team, someone with a very different attitude to everyone else, that she realised with surprise, quite how important company culture is. “Is it too late?” She wondered. “Had she hired the wrong person?” She…

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Recently whilst on-boarding a new client to our Excelerator Program, we were talking through her team dynamics. Who is on the team. What they’re like. What’s working really well and what’s not. Here’s what she realised in the conversation… Some of her team are great. They’re committed, focused, get the work done and they understand…

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What Impact Does the Past Have on the Future for your Team?

Last week spent the week on the road, facilitating high-performance team events and ran our bi-annual Empowering Women in Leadership event in QLD. Face to face and discussing the challenges and opportunities across teams, once again reminded me, not to overlook the basics. And funnily enough, this week, wrote a blog for our School’s Coming…

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