Tag Archives: Tourism Recovery
Seizing Opportunities: Unleashing the Potential of Existing Talent for Tourism Business Growth
As the entire industry grapples with global staff shortages, I’d like to suggest it’s time to shift perspective and embrace a new approach. Rather than fixating on shortages, and the constant search for new staff, what about if the focus could be on the untapped potential existing within current team members? Are we fully aware…
5 Strategies to Address Staff Shortages and Improve Customer Experience
Tourism businesses are weighing up the situation, with seasonal impacts, domestic travellers now loving being back overseas, and our favoured international travellers not returning as quickly as we’d like. It’s easy to hesitate around staffing up, it’s likely that head counts are being reduced because the coming months aren’t what was predicted or hoped for.…
Speed of Recovery
There are many reasons teams are slow at recovering from challenges, and yet SPEED of RECOVERY is one of the most important factors for high-performance teams. At no point, can we ever say it’ll be smooth sailing and clear skies? Every business has its challenges, as every team does, and so it’s not about wishing…
The Top 10 Tendencies Obstructing Human High Performance
Recently delivered several workshops on this topic, and we discussed specifically the Top 10 Tendencies that are obstructing human high performance. Particularly impacting workplace culture, routines and habits, communication, competitiveness, adherence to process/rules and so much more. Each team that participated was fortunate enough to be in the ‘Pro-Team’ category (a 7-8/10), already a professional…
Retaining, Training or Harnessing Talent
There are a lot of conversations about mass resignations happening in the US. Will Australia face it too? Has it started already? The tourism industry is also currently struggling to find people and fill roles. Some businesses are slicing and dicing to be leaner and meaner than ever before, regardless of longevity, loyalty and commitment…
Delivering the Ultimate in Guest Experience
What does it take to have happy customers? What keeps guests coming back time and time again or telling their friends and family? These two indicators are great measures of success in tourism to know when a product or experience has nailed it. That the delivery of the guest experience is so good, that guests…