Tag Archives: health

Know when to Stop and Take Stock

How often do you stop and take stock with how you, the team and business are tracking? In the last 18 months with so much going on, it’s been pretty easy to get VERY caught up in the day to day. Dealing with the urgent priorities. We get very used to that pattern of behaviour…

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WELL-BEING must come first

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, way more tense than normal… is EVERYTHING taking its toll? Is your resilience low, vitality vanished and are you feeling flatter than ever before? If not… that’s fantastic, and if yes, perhaps this is you or someone you know, friend, family member, colleague or a team member, then please read…

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Clarity instead of Chaos

Too much on your mind? Being pulled from pillar to post? It can look and feel a bit like chaos. When you’re leading a team, growing a business, looking after customers and clients, it can be very busy being all things to everyone. Except for the one person that matters the most. You. Because you’re…

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Activated or Stressed Out

Leadership is stressful. It’s intense. It’s not for the fainthearted, in more ways than one. In the past months, I’ve seen a very concerning and marked increase in coaching conversations with words like “overwhelmed, manic, flat to the floor, no end in sight, stressed out, can’t concentrate, not sleeping, petrol tank empty, burnt out, not…

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4 Steps for Being your Best Self in Business

Bula! Do you love holidays as much as I do? Sand between the toes, skiing down mountains, getting that special massage, eating out and watching amazing sunsets….! As a parent and owner of my own business, rather than view them as holidays, they’re more like a change of scenery. I realised that very early on…

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What to Do When You’ve Decided Enough is Enough!

In the last 10 days several incredible women I know, have stood up for themselves and said it’s time. Time to make a move. Leaving leadership roles they have been in and loved. Yet because of up-line difficulties and challenges, have decided it’s time to move on. People challenges are normal (we’re all human after…

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Sea of Overwhelm

Firstly overwhelm is normal, you’re human and pretty much everyone experiences it in some way, shape or form. The thing is everyone has different skills, capabilities, perceptions and language they use for describing their ‘experience’ of it. Regardless of the perception, it’s the impact that is the problem, because it’s can be debilitating, slowing down…

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How to Make the Systems the Solution to Success

Often get lots of varying answers to one of the first questions I ask people when we start conversing and talking about business leadership and growth. The question is “What is your biggest leadership challenge right now?” It’s always interesting what comes up for people and what they’ll share, ignore or admit too. Honesty is…

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The Power of Unplugging

A while back, chatting with a friend and shared I’d been offline for a few weeks. She said “What! How can you do that? How can you do that for your business? (insert her face looked really quite shocked…) Then came the “How’d you actually do it?” In a quiet voice, she then admitted “OMG,…

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Business Fit

Recently at a workshop, we got talking about being business fit. It was a passionate debate and well contributed to because everyone had an opinion both on the perils of what happens when we’re not fit, along with their thoughts and tips on what to do to stay healthy, fit and focused. This discussion was…

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The No. 1 Key to Success for High Performing Teams

  There are so many life and business lessons to learn from watching sports teams perform. What works well, what doesn’t. Why they lose and why they win. It’s fascinating and it’s in front of us all day long with a diverse range of sports being played around the world 24/7. I reckon one of…

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