Tag Archives: teamwork

Are your Values in Overdrive or Conflict?

Are your values in overdrive or conflict? One of the very first jobs I had was a ‘pinch me, I must be dreaming’ kind of job. Totally unreal and still to this day one of my most favourite ever. In fact as I get a little older, it’s the one I look back at now…

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How flexible are you and the business?

Let’s talk adapting to flexible working arrangements. This could be a game changer for leading a team both in the short and over the long term. In the SMH recently, it quoted ‘from 9000 people working from home, when asked, whether they wanted to stay there? The very strong answer was: yes!’ Or, to at…

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How to Get Your Team to Change Gears?

Am typing this whilst sitting in the car between races at the kid’s sports carnival. It’s quite fascinating to watch. There are some kids that run fast, very fast and then there is those ‘middle of the pack kids’, running hard and then we have a few that are at the back of the pack…plodding…

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The 5 Attributes of a Talented Team Member

  Recently invited to speak at an industry educators forum, where we were talking with a mixture of educators of a specific industry and leaders. I wanted to share my presentation in the written form / short version to get your opinion and ask you…. what are the attributes you think are key for a…

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Why It’s Crucial to Surround Yourself with Quality People

Business leadership can be a lonely place. It’s often something that is not even spoken about or acknowledged. Many would not even like to admit to loneliness. Maybe suffering in silence is easier. There could be 100 reasons not to share. Too busy to stop and talk. Who wants to listen? They’ve got their own…

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4 Steps for Being your Best Self in Business

Bula! Do you love holidays as much as I do? Sand between the toes, skiing down mountains, getting that special massage, eating out and watching amazing sunsets….! As a parent and owner of my own business, rather than view them as holidays, they’re more like a change of scenery. I realised that very early on…

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What to Do When You’ve Decided Enough is Enough!

In the last 10 days several incredible women I know, have stood up for themselves and said it’s time. Time to make a move. Leaving leadership roles they have been in and loved. Yet because of up-line difficulties and challenges, have decided it’s time to move on. People challenges are normal (we’re all human after…

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What To Do When Your Motivation Takes a Dive!

A common question cropping up lately is “How do I stay freakin’ motivated? You know that feeling when it’s all too much. Maybe it’s a ‘not want to get out of bed thing’, or an ‘I can’t be bothered thing’ or the ‘everywhere I look are jobs to do, it’s never-ending’. Those 1000 things on…

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Is it Time to Get Creative with the Way You’re Communicating?

It never ceases to amaze me how unique yet similar humans. Not to mention how we can tend to bunch everyone together as if they’re the same, yet then be so surprised when there are raging obvious differences. Every Monday I volunteer at Art Class, helping out our amazing Artist in Residence, who is sharing…

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Uncovering Your Team’s Potential

One family holiday we decided to brave it and all go snorkelling. It seemed like a fairly mammoth effort getting everyone kitted out in wetsuits, snorkels, and fins. In the back of my mind, kept thinking, this would just be easier to stay on the boat, enjoy the views and the sounds of the waves…

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Sea of Overwhelm

Firstly overwhelm is normal, you’re human and pretty much everyone experiences it in some way, shape or form. The thing is everyone has different skills, capabilities, perceptions and language they use for describing their ‘experience’ of it. Regardless of the perception, it’s the impact that is the problem, because it’s can be debilitating, slowing down…

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Need to Stop Spinning in Circles?

What happens when everyone on the team starts spinning their wheels? When suddenly it feels like nothing is moving forward? Projects left, right and centre are stalling… incomplete or even at a standstill? The air in the lunch room seems stifled, there is little or no vibe going on. Everyone seems flat, despondent and dejected?…

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Business Fit

Recently at a workshop, we got talking about being business fit. It was a passionate debate and well contributed to because everyone had an opinion both on the perils of what happens when we’re not fit, along with their thoughts and tips on what to do to stay healthy, fit and focused. This discussion was…

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Team Matters : Who’s In Your Bus?

This snapshot popped up on LinkedIn’s Daily Rundown recently: Australian hiring managers are struggling to find staff that fit in, with 78% admitting they’ve hired someone who isn’t good for team culture. The survey of 460 hiring managers showed the top issues with new staff were an inability to work collaboratively and lack of team…

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Recently whilst on-boarding a new client to our Excelerator Program, we were talking through her team dynamics. Who is on the team. What they’re like. What’s working really well and what’s not. Here’s what she realised in the conversation… Some of her team are great. They’re committed, focused, get the work done and they understand…

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How to Recognise When You & the Team Are Out of Tune?

How to recognise when you & the team are playing out of tune? In the words of George Bernard Shaw “In the right key, one can say anything. In the wrong key, nothing. The only delicate part is the establishment of the key.” This morning a frustrated General Manager shared “I’ve had to send a…

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The No. 1 Key to Success for High Performing Teams

  There are so many life and business lessons to learn from watching sports teams perform. What works well, what doesn’t. Why they lose and why they win. It’s fascinating and it’s in front of us all day long with a diverse range of sports being played around the world 24/7. I reckon one of…

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