Tag Archives: Managing People

Do you have a love/hate relationship with time?
Time is a precious commodity, one which we too easily give away and can never get back. What’s your thing with time? Is it the wasted time in meetings (online or in person), going around in circles because people aren’t prepared, aren’t contributing, or are reluctant or avoiding decision-making? Or is it more the confusion,…

Shifting the Focus to Dynamics, rather than Tactics and Strategy
Team not hitting the numbers? Struggling with some complex people issues? So under the pump, you sometimes feel like you can’t breathe some days? Whilst our natural comfort zone might be to keep pushing the tactics and strategy. Please stop. Maybe it’s time to work on dynamics. Often overlooked, focusing on team dynamics is the…

Time Management Mastery for Busy Tourism Leaders
Every year tends to start with new goals, well-planned schedules, and a sense of control over our time. Yet, before we know it, our daily whirlwind takes over. We can feel like our days are spiraling out of control. For busy tourism leaders, regaining control over your time is crucial. Here are some straightforward tips…

Overcoming Challenges of Under-Resourced Tourism Teams
As tourism business leaders, you’ve likely encountered situations where your team’s resilience, communication, and commitment have been put to the test. Adverse Current people resource challenges facing the tourism industry are placing pressure on even the most dedicated teams, and it’s essential to address the challenges of this under-resourcing. So, what can tourism business leaders…

Clear and Specific Communication
Enroute to the city and passed a sign saying ‘Parking from $5’. No idea whether that’s per day, per hour, per minute. Pretty vague and likely to put the customers off, more than get drive ins. Are you vague with your communications or clear and specific? Had a boss once and used to watch her…

Mastering Delegation: 10 Tips for Tourism Leaders
As a tourism leader, you may have heard the age-old saying, “If you want a job done well, do it yourself.” While this mantra can be tempting, it can also lead to burnout and hinder your team’s growth. It’s time to reframe this mindset and get great at delegation. If you’re working on this skill,…

Be the Master of Communication: A Key to Success in Tourism
In the ever-evolving landscape of the tourism industry, one timeless truth stands tall: Communication is the linchpin of success, whether you’re finding, training, or keeping staff. Time and time again, when gathering feedback from professionals in tourism businesses of all sizes, one common refrain emerges—communication reigns supreme. It’s the thread that weaves through every role,…

Unlocking Sales Success: The 3 Key Factors Every Tourism Business Must Master
When it comes to optimising sales and getting the most out of your marketing and sales activities and team productivity, think about it in terms of these 3 key factors. Factor 1 – Leads – how many leads are you and the business getting weekly? Is this being tracked for individuals, as a team or…

Maximising Productivity: A Guide for Busy Tourism Professionals in Fast-Paced Environments
Every moment counts, doesn’t it? Time isn’t growing on trees. We all only have 24 hours in a day. Time is a VERY precious resource. As a busy tourism professional working in a fast-paced environment, mastering the art of productivity is essential. Today, we’ll delve into three key strategies to help you make the most…

Mastering Difficult Personalities: Unleashing Positive Intelligence for Effective Leadership
With the dynamic and evolving industry that tourism is, I believe exceptional leadership is the cornerstone of success. As leaders in the tourism industry, it’s not uncommon to encounter challenging personalities within your team. These situations, while uncomfortable, hold valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. For individuals, a team and a business. Let’s delve…

Seizing Opportunities: Unleashing the Potential of Existing Talent for Tourism Business Growth
As the entire industry grapples with global staff shortages, I’d like to suggest it’s time to shift perspective and embrace a new approach. Rather than fixating on shortages, and the constant search for new staff, what about if the focus could be on the untapped potential existing within current team members? Are we fully aware…

How To Improve Leadership Confidence
One of the most frequent conversations I have with clients is about “How to improve Leadership Confidence”. It’s rare that in the beginning, because people always like to show me they’re confident and they have the “S$%T” together. Yes truly. However quite rapidly within a session or two, once the facade drops and raw honesty…

Difficult Conversations Made Easier
No matter how hard difficult conversations are, they only become easier with practice. In coaching sessions, when we have our accountability calls, I’ll follow-up and ask “How’d that conversation go with Mary, Tom or Sally….” (insert name of a person for said difficult conversation). I love hearing the responses, the progress, the hiccups and the…

Strategies For Dealing with Staff who are Closed to Change
Are you in a leadership role with some very long-term staff members? It can have its benefits and challenges. Growing a business requires developing people because for a business to grow the leader and team must grow. They go hand in hand. However, what do you do if you’re implementing change, new ideas, and initiatives,…

5 Strategies to Address Staff Shortages and Improve Customer Experience
Tourism businesses are weighing up the situation, with seasonal impacts, domestic travellers now loving being back overseas, and our favoured international travellers not returning as quickly as we’d like. It’s easy to hesitate around staffing up, it’s likely that head counts are being reduced because the coming months aren’t what was predicted or hoped for.…

Consistent Growth in the Business
Consistent Growth in the Business Whether it’s season-on-season, or year-on-year, most tourism businesses want growth. They want to improve their average nightly rates, they want to improve their passenger numbers, they want more profit at the end of the day to make the business worthwhile and sustainable. Personally and professionally. Whether you work in a…

For Tourism Business Leaders feeling Overstretched and Under-resourced
Having faced unprecedented challenges in recent times, the tourism industry is not out of the woods yet. Staff shortages and under-trained staff issues continue to impact tourism operations and have a significant impact on the customer experience. Now labelled across the country as the #1 critical issue to be solved, tourism business owners and leaders…

Learn. Do. Teach.
When it comes to teaching and training staff, we love the LEARN DO TEACH model. As tourism business leaders, we’ve learnt a LOT. And we’re great DOer’s. Where I frequently see the gap is the ability to TEACH. Not because we can’t teach….. It lies in our lack of system and process to teach ie.…

Overcome High Anxiety and Stress
The long-term effects of ongoing stress and high anxiety are enormous. When we stay in a state of heightened fear, anxiety, and stress, it reduces our capacity to think quickly, and effectively, and more importantly, work through decisions, problem-solving, and conflict. Most people have no awareness of their ‘reduced’ state – it’s become so “normal”.…

Enhancing Staff Training in the Tourism Industry: Embracing Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles
In the dynamic and customer-centric tourism industry, providing effective staff training is essential for delivering exceptional experiences to visitors. However, not all employees learn in the same way. Recognising and catering to different learning styles can significantly improve the training process, and in turn the customer experience. In this article, we’ll explore how visual, auditory,…