Tag Archives: leadership capability

Running on the Smell of an Oily Rag

Every heard this expression ‘Running on the Smell of an Oily Rag’? It was a saying my old boss used to use when we talked about her doing 70 hour weeks. I’d often wonder “How is it that she is still standing? It can’t be that healthy?” Unfortunately it’s an easy trap to fall into.…

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WELL-BEING must come first

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, way more tense than normal… is EVERYTHING taking its toll? Is your resilience low, vitality vanished and are you feeling flatter than ever before? If not… that’s fantastic, and if yes, perhaps this is you or someone you know, friend, family member, colleague or a team member, then please read…

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Presupposing a Team’s Potential

Presupposing a Team’s Potential

One family holiday we decided to brave it and all go snorkelling. It seemed like a fairly mammoth effort getting everyone kitted out in wet suits, snorkels and fins. In the back of my mind, kept thinking, this would just be easier to stay on the boat, enjoy the views and the sounds of the…

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Activated or Stressed Out

Leadership is stressful. It’s intense. It’s not for the fainthearted, in more ways than one. In the past months, I’ve seen a very concerning and marked increase in coaching conversations with words like “overwhelmed, manic, flat to the floor, no end in sight, stressed out, can’t concentrate, not sleeping, petrol tank empty, burnt out, not…

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Is the Team Flying High?

Isn’t this picture amazing! It blows my mind. Have a think for a moment and ask yourself “Could our team do this?” Would you and the team have the trust, confidence, the skill and strength to do something like this? It’s a rare gift to find a team that could. In the teachings of Patrick…

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Do you have a Pro-Team?

  Do you have a Pro Team? Talking through our ‘Show-up Factor’ Framework today with a group of Leaders. What sort of team do you have? Two key ingredients for high performing teams: Accountability and Communication. The Pro Team has both. They’re Showing Up. Whoa Team are good on the accountability, yet perhaps lower on…

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Facing Difficult Conversations

Here’s a few ideas on how to stop avoiding the difficult Conversations and be courageous for constructive conversations instead! Are you needing to have a conversation with someone? It could be a business discussion or something personal. It’s on your mind. It’s been niggling, bugging you and you’ve been putting it off? Firstly – ask…

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Overcoming Presenting Nerves

“Staring out across the audience, I could feel the nerves wanting to take over, the feeling of dread coming back into the pit of my stomach… NO, I said to myself, you’ve got this. I focused on the far wall of the room, just slightly above everyone’s head and breathed, in and out, in and…

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Leadership Survey Results

Leadership Survey Results

Since the beginning of this year, we’ve surveyed hundreds of business leaders to identify and check-in, as to “What are the current top 3 improvements you would like to see the team make?” Interestingly, it’s vastly different, here’s snap shot at some of the feedback Strategic direction, communication, service Engagement, accountability, team work Commercial insights,…

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Wise Advice from

Wise Advice from Yoda

Take a moment and try and pick up a pen near you. Yes, actually try and pick up the pen. At this point, you could be still reading or you might actually have picked up the pen. Because you see in the words of Yoda from Star Wars “You either do or do not, there…

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Simple Systems for Managing Time

Simple Systems for Time Management

We all often start the year with the best of intentions. Goals, Plans, new diary. It’s going to be an awesome year. Then … suddenly, remarkably rapidly, our day to day catches up with us again and it’s only February and we’re already feeling the wheels spin out of control again. Here are a couple…

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Calm for Christmas

The sound of laughter, the smells of Christmas, red and green everywhere, a present is passed to you with the words ‘Merry Christmas’ and despite the beauty, joy and family in front of you, surrounding you, it’s hard to be present and focused. With so much on your mind, the presence of family or friends…

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Communication is Key for Great Leadership

If you want the answer, it is one word. COMMUNICATION Across the last few months talking to hundreds of business leaders, whether in CEO, GM, department managers, supervisors or team leader roles, regardless of title; the resounding key requirement for every business has been communication. Often leaders think they’re pretty good at it. Doing enough.…

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