Tag Archives: Leadership Coaching

Getting Results from 10 with Gen!
Are you good with quick check-ins with your team? Or do conversations end up dragging on and taking way longer than necessary? One of my fave clients and I have this new arrangement that is going so well. He’s a fast talker and an action-taker. We have weekly 10 with Gen’s. Then a monthly…

Know Your Numbers: Empowering Tourism and Hospitality Leaders for Informed Decision-Making and Action-Taking
Lisa and I have been talking numbers. It’s not her strength, she loves the people more and she knows she’s got to focus on learning to love the numbers, number-crunching and hitting targets, and driving high performance. In 2024 the team has some big targets to hit. “But, how do we make the non-tangible…

How Sabotage Kills Teamwork
“Our resilience is untested until we suffer setbacks” Liz Sheppard, clinical psychologist and peak performance coach to Olympians and Athletes. Not sure about you, however I’ve always found leadership feels like 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards most days. Everyone wants a piece of you, there are 1000 things on the to-do list, firefighting…

How To Improve Leadership Confidence
One of the most frequent conversations I have with clients is about “How to improve Leadership Confidence”. It’s rare that in the beginning, because people always like to show me they’re confident and they have the “S$%T” together. Yes truly. However quite rapidly within a session or two, once the facade drops and raw honesty…

Difficult Conversations Made Easier
No matter how hard difficult conversations are, they only become easier with practice. In coaching sessions, when we have our accountability calls, I’ll follow-up and ask “How’d that conversation go with Mary, Tom or Sally….” (insert name of a person for said difficult conversation). I love hearing the responses, the progress, the hiccups and the…

Piggy in the Middle
On our recent school holidays, we found warmer weather and hit the pool. So much fun and great to get some sun and warmth onto our bodies after this weird and wet Sydney weather. One of our family favourites is the game Piggy in the Middle. The kids now 11 and 13 love pegging…

When Personalities Collide
So many business leaders say to me ‘Our team is so different. We have such different personalities!” Yes, we’re all very different, however, there are certainly also similarities. And whilst it is never about a cookie cutter one-size fits all, once you get a feel for the similarities and differences, it actually makes life much…

Raising Our Standards
In the words of Tony Robbins “The ONLY THING that will… ❤️ change our lives 💼 change our businesses 💵 change our money/wealth 🫂 change our relationships Is raising our standards. 💯 The only thing that changes our life long-term is when we raise ⬆️ our standards. So what does that mean? 👇 We all…

Nature or Nurture
There is nothing like school holidays and the juggle of working life and motherhood to test one’s mental. It’s when I’m both at my best and my worst. All of my best traits can shine through and all of my worst too. And by worst I mean ugly. When I’m stressed, I get mean, snappy,…

Planning for Success
Anyone else love this time of year and getting the planning tools out and into action? Whilst most of us have best intentions of doing it at the end of the year in preparation for the new year, you’re certainly not alone, if you haven’t got the plan for ’22 all sorted yet. Particular as…

Aligning Individual Capability to Business Needs
What a business needs at any given point in time can vary, however did you know there are specific phases of growth a business will go through? And do you know it is possible to get specific data on the Individual capability and know how individuals, a team or department and/or whole business team will…

Know when to Stop and Take Stock
How often do you stop and take stock with how you, the team and business are tracking? In the last 18 months with so much going on, it’s been pretty easy to get VERY caught up in the day to day. Dealing with the urgent priorities. We get very used to that pattern of behaviour…

Pressure is a Privilege
Wholeheartedly agree and in normal world supporting leaders do and be at their best, pressure is absolutely a privilege and the price one pays for holding the senior roles. Likewise in life being the ‘parents/carers’ raising children. Athletes surround themselves with a team to help support them on the journey. Life right now is throwing…

Building up Your Coaching Skillset
Do you frequently find yourself climbing or falling into the problem box? Suddenly you’re the one in there solving everyone’s problems. Or do you love being the ‘go-to’, the guru answering all the questions? If you’re wanting to build team and grow capability within others, it’s really important to stay out of the problem box.…

WELL-BEING must come first
Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, way more tense than normal… is EVERYTHING taking its toll? Is your resilience low, vitality vanished and are you feeling flatter than ever before? If not… that’s fantastic, and if yes, perhaps this is you or someone you know, friend, family member, colleague or a team member, then please read…

Measuring Growth & Improvement
At a recent school dinner the principal spoke about the numbers. Specifically the number of books the kids used to borrow from the library. They then did a rebuild, a re-arrangement, they relocated the books and created a whole new plan – all focused on getting the number of books borrowed to increase. It did…

Overriding Negative Thoughts
Leadership is busy enough as it is without wasting valuable time either physical hours or brain space on replaying or rehashing conversations, giving ourselves a tough time or wishing/hoping that others would actually be able to mind-read and do what we want without us actually saying it! Or saying it and it goes pear-shaped, ending…

What Role do you Play?
Chatting with a great leader the other day. Holds a senior executive role within a business. He’s passionate, amazing with people, great technical skills. However… here’s the big BUT coming. He is SO caught up in the day to day that he cannot step away and be strategic, plan or focus on the bigger picture.…

Is the Team Flying High?
Isn’t this picture amazing! It blows my mind. Have a think for a moment and ask yourself “Could our team do this?” Would you and the team have the trust, confidence, the skill and strength to do something like this? It’s a rare gift to find a team that could. In the teachings of Patrick…

Panic or Problem Solve
Yesterday whilst we having a leisurely cuppa with dear old friends we hadn’t seen in a while, there was a knock at the door. Then this voice “Not sure I can come in he said”, sensing immediately something was wrong, I bounded out of my chair, was out the door and into action. There was…