Tag Archives: building team

Reflecting on the Quarter

It’s hard to believe that we’re about to finish Quarter 1 for 2022. How fast has that flown! Well it was fast here. Between juggling school holidays, weeks of rain and then Covid, feels like we’ve barely got the year started, then an office neighbour and I were laughing this morning about Ground Hog Day…

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For or Against

Best session ever with a client today. Reflecting on the growth, learnings and improvements made across the last 7 months. As well as a great summary document, we could see the data measuring the growth and momentum achieved. Do you ever stop and take stop of where you’re at and how far you’ve come as…

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Planning for Success

Anyone else love this time of year and getting the planning tools out and into action? Whilst most of us have best intentions of doing it at the end of the year in preparation for the new year, you’re certainly not alone, if you haven’t got the plan for ’22 all sorted yet. Particular as…

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Limping or Limboing

Limping or Limboing? Wrapping up 2021

So it’s a funny time of year, some businesses amping up for the festive season, some industries work through and others begin the wind down where everything stops and everyone takes a break. Some of us are feeling smashed and exhausted after a huge 12 months, others revitalised and refreshed…and some of us, probably not…

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Sharing the Big Wins

One of my fave things ever about being a coach, is cheering on the sidelines and watching the big wins. Seeing clients overcome challenges, dig deep, make progress, 3 steps forward and 5 steps back some days, then reap the rewards as the hard work, dedication and persistence pays off. It takes time. It’s not…

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Retaining, Training or Harnessing Talent

There are a lot of conversations about the mass resignation happening in the US. Will Australia face it too? Has it started already? Some businesses and industries are struggling to find people and fill roles. Some businesses are slicing and dicing to be leaner and meaner than ever before, regardless of longevity, loyalty and commitment…

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Going Back to Basics

A recent learning to share. We got a dog through Covid and I’ve hurt my shoulder/arm with excessive ball/stick throwing. 🙁 Not something I’d have thought would be an issue, however exacerbated with all the mouse and repetitive tech usage, sitting at a computer. So yes a pain, discomfort, however like with everything, there is…

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Do you have a PQ Powered Culture?

Did you know only 20% of teams ever achieve 80% of their potential? Is your team one of the 20% of High Performers or one of the 80% that achieve less? A bit less or perhaps a lot less. Many business leaders share their numbers with us. How well the business is doing (or not).…

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Aligning Individual Capability to Business Needs

What a business needs at any given point in time can vary, however did you know there are specific phases of growth a business will go through? And do you know it is possible to get specific data on the Individual capability and know how individuals, a team or department and/or whole business team will…

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Know when to Stop and Take Stock

How often do you stop and take stock with how you, the team and business are tracking? In the last 18 months with so much going on, it’s been pretty easy to get VERY caught up in the day to day. Dealing with the urgent priorities. We get very used to that pattern of behaviour…

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How to shift Micro Habits

Do you know some of the micro habits that are helpful or harmful in your world? Whether it’s around health, finance, relationships, leadership… etc. Our micro habits can make or break the way in which we are able to thrive. They can impact our self-care, connection, our ability to be assertive, plan and organise, creative…

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Avoidance is doing Immense Damage

So the irony of this blog, is it sat in my DRAFT box for over a week. I started writing it several times over, the page has been sitting blank with thoughts swirling around, then I parked it and left it because… well I didn’t really know what to say exactly, precisely… wasn’t sure it…

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Working on Development Areas

Working on Development Areas

Do you have a system for working out how to improve certain skills? If we needed help with xl – we can do an xl course. If we wanted to learn to play tennis – we could join a tennis group. If we wanted to get better at parenting, we could read the plethora of…

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Individual Development Plans

Individual Development Plans

Do you have one? Do you know what your strength areas are? Do you know what you’re working on improving for 21/22? At this time of year many businesses have completed or are working through their performance review processes, getting and giving feedback. It’s an interesting time of year and it’s when many businesses either…

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Teams suffering due the Prickly Pear Syndrome

Ouch. It can really diminish the productivity, performance and culture of a team. Have you ever experienced the Prickly Pear Syndrome? Do you have someone on the team you feel like you have to tip toe around and moderate everything you say with, because otherwise most days it ends in tears? Perhaps not literal tears…

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Building up Your Coaching Skillset

Do you frequently find yourself climbing or falling into the problem box? Suddenly you’re the one in there solving everyone’s problems. Or do you love being the ‘go-to’, the guru answering all the questions? If you’re wanting to build team and grow capability within others, it’s really important to stay out of the problem box.…

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WELL-BEING must come first

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, way more tense than normal… is EVERYTHING taking its toll? Is your resilience low, vitality vanished and are you feeling flatter than ever before? If not… that’s fantastic, and if yes, perhaps this is you or someone you know, friend, family member, colleague or a team member, then please read…

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Leadership Lessons from Ash Barty

Did you notice how many times Ash Barty talked about her team after her Wimbledon win? Several times. She’s an extraordinary role model not only in the sporting world, we can learn a lot about her successes and apply them into the business world. One of the most interesting facts that has come to light…

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Presupposing a Team’s Potential

Presupposing a Team’s Potential

One family holiday we decided to brave it and all go snorkelling. It seemed like a fairly mammoth effort getting everyone kitted out in wet suits, snorkels and fins. In the back of my mind, kept thinking, this would just be easier to stay on the boat, enjoy the views and the sounds of the…

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Measuring Growth & Improvement

At a recent school dinner the principal spoke about the numbers. Specifically the number of books the kids used to borrow from the library. They then did a rebuild, a re-arrangement, they relocated the books and created a whole new plan – all focused on getting the number of books borrowed to increase. It did…

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