Tag Archives: leading team.

Speed of Recovery

There are many reasons teams are slow at recovering from challenges, and yet SPEED of RECOVERY is one of the most important factors for high-performance teams. At no point, can we ever say it’ll be smooth sailing and clear skies? Every business has its challenges, as every team does, and so it’s not about wishing…

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Piggy in the Middle

  On our recent school holidays, we found warmer weather and hit the pool. So much fun and great to get some sun and warmth onto our bodies after this weird and wet Sydney weather. One of our family favourites is the game Piggy in the Middle. The kids now 11 and 13 love pegging…

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When Personalities Collide

So many business leaders say to me ‘Our team is so different. We have such different personalities!” Yes, we’re all very different, however, there are certainly also similarities. And whilst it is never about a cookie cutter one-size fits all, once you get a feel for the similarities and differences, it actually makes life much…

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Different Learning Styles

  Have you ever stopped to consider how you best learn? Recently undertaking an 8 week pottery course, really shone a new light onto this very topic for me. Whilst I’m used to it in the business sense, this course was a classic reminder of how we are all different. Of the 5 in our…

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PH_Workshop 3Ps

Workshopping the 3P’s

How often do you get the team together? Are the meetings always operational or do you get a chance to be strategic? Do you focus on the product (or service), process, or spend time talking to people. I love using the 3 P’s technique. Product, Process, and People Often many businesses get caught up or…

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Adjusting Perspective

How well are you able to adjust your perspective? Are you able to put yourself into the other person’s shoes and see things through their eyes? Do you shift your viewpoint depending on what others say or can you flex your perspective on any given day? Or do you sit firmly entrenched with your own…

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Creative Juices flowing Again

Hi there, I’m back! Did you miss my blogs? A lovely client of mine called me out the other day and said “I haven’t seen any of your blogs pop up on my feed lately”. Whilst I could have used the FB algorithms as an excuse, I didn’t. I fessed up and said. ‘Mmm, I…

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Bravery at the Front

“She must be fearless” my brother James said. “Actually she’s not” I replied. On Anzac Day, Lucy my 11-year-old rose early, the alarm ringing at 5.45 am. She’d been up for half the night, nerves taking hold. Each year for the last few years, she’s committed to playing The Last Post at 6 am and…

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Getting to Goal

What does it take to get to goal? What does it mean for you to get to goal? In Weightwatcher’s world – it’s about hitting the number that you’d stated you wanted to get to at the beginning of the program. Back in Sept. I put a number into the app, wrote some reasons why…

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Keeping your Zen On!

At the moment, it’s all pretty stressful! Whether you’re in iso, back to work ‘as if it’s business as normal’, maybe you’re remote and back on teams/zoom or perhaps you’ve been doing the January juggle with kids and work – it’s full on. No matter what the ‘current scenario’ looks like for you; your self-care…

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Planning for Success

Anyone else love this time of year and getting the planning tools out and into action? Whilst most of us have best intentions of doing it at the end of the year in preparation for the new year, you’re certainly not alone, if you haven’t got the plan for ’22 all sorted yet. Particular as…

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Know when to Stop and Take Stock

How often do you stop and take stock with how you, the team and business are tracking? In the last 18 months with so much going on, it’s been pretty easy to get VERY caught up in the day to day. Dealing with the urgent priorities. We get very used to that pattern of behaviour…

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Top 4 Lessons from Life in Lockdown

No one is super human. We’re all human. In our house a few weeks ago blood was drawn. Just a quick momentary brain snap between both kids which resulted in an inch long fingernail scratch across a child’s face. It was so quick and happened in an instant. As I sat very calmly talking through…

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Pressure is a Privilege

Wholeheartedly agree and in normal world supporting leaders do and be at their best, pressure is absolutely a privilege and the price one pays for holding the senior roles. Likewise in life being the ‘parents/carers’ raising children. Athletes surround themselves with a team to help support them on the journey. Life right now is throwing…

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PH Less is more

Talking Too Much. Less is REALLY More.

Ever heard of this expression? It’s used in so many ways. Let’s talk about it in terms of leadership and communication. Is it waffling on, or do we like hearing our own voice, do we struggle to get to the point, do we even know what the point is, are we feeling awkward and gap…

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WELL-BEING must come first

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, way more tense than normal… is EVERYTHING taking its toll? Is your resilience low, vitality vanished and are you feeling flatter than ever before? If not… that’s fantastic, and if yes, perhaps this is you or someone you know, friend, family member, colleague or a team member, then please read…

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Leadership Lessons from Ash Barty

Did you notice how many times Ash Barty talked about her team after her Wimbledon win? Several times. She’s an extraordinary role model not only in the sporting world, we can learn a lot about her successes and apply them into the business world. One of the most interesting facts that has come to light…

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Stretching Limits Personally & Professionally

When it comes to pushing oneself, I’d always had a limiting belief “I can’t do water colour painting”. You might think… well why does that matter?! Professionally probably not that much, I’m not a Picasso or even an aspiring Archibald artist, I simply adore art for my own passion. Something important to note, it wasn’t…

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Follow Through or Follow Up

What do you do in order to ensure accountability across the business? Recently my soccer girls were practicing penalties and corner kicks. Each of them would line up and be super focused on taking the kick… however what the majority of them didn’t realise until we spoke about it was… it was all about the…

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Clearly Defined Job Descriptions

Each week prior to our game, I map out the positions on the pitch, specifically who is where and when. Then during training we talk zones, roles, skillset and requirements. Then each game it’s clear, visual and we talk again about zones, roles and strengths. When someone is doing a throw in, are they a…

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